Beatrysel Blog Tour & Reviews.
I took a trip around the internet to plug my book and explore the processes of writing, publishing and believing. Here's my digital scrapbook. Check these out to know more about BEATRYSEL and me, her humble author.
Erindipity/Erin Britt's Blog (guest Post)
Pain as Source Material
Jay Wilburn's (guest post)
Genre Labeling
Max Booth III (guest post)
Joining the Club
Kim W. Justesen (guest post)
I Don't Write Well with Others
Caffeine's Not a Crime
Jane Isaac (guest post)
Top Five Literary Influences
Ella Medler (announcement)
New Release Shout Out - You'll love this one!
My Blog Mansion Release Post
I'm Shaking
AniMAASity/Tammy Maas (interview)
Interview with Johnny Worthen
Ann Marie Meyers (guest post/interview)
The Terrors of Being a Multi-Genre Author
Brent Michael Kelley (interview)
Johnny Worthen Dresses Like a Pirate
SF Signal (guest post)
Why Supernatural Horror is Supreme
Jenniffer Wardell (guest post)
Dancing with the Darkness
J. F. R. Titchenell (guest post)
The Amorphous Ooze of Fear
Lori Michelle (guest post)
Demons - Misunderstood Angels
Lehua Parker (guest post)
The Magick in Beatrysel
Horror Writers Association
Halloween Haunts: Every Day is Halloween
Rosie Amber interview
Guest Author Johnny Worthen
Erindipity Interview
Author Corner - Johnny Worthen
Christine Haggarty Interview
Interview with Johnny Worthen
Armond Rosamilia
Spotlight on Johnny Worthen
Mom's Secret Horrors Interview with Dawn Napier
An Interview with Johnny Worthen
Dark Markets
Author Spotlight - Johnny Worthen
Just Words - Sakina Murdock
Johnny Worthen's Successful Novelist Formula
Erin Britt - Recommend it Monday
Lehua Parker - Like One Fish Out of Water
J. F. R. Tichenell Top 5 of 2013 (and 2014 forecast)